Special Strides
118 Federal Road
Monroe NJ 08831
Directions to Congress Hill Farm – Home of Special Strides
If lost, please call: (732) 616-2588
From Federal Road you will see a sign for CONGRESS HILL FARM
When entering the farm proceed 1/3rd down the driveway
Make your first left, immediately after the speed bump
Proceed to end and make a right
You will see a white building on the right with a sign that reads” Special Strides”
From the Princeton Area:
Rt. 571 to Rt. 133 to Rt. 33 East. Exit at Perrineville Road and take jug handle to cross Rt. 33. Lobster Shanty will be on your right. Proceed to 3rd right, which is Federal Road. Make a right and proceed thru 1 intersection. Congress Hill Farm is 1 mile on the left.
From the North:
Take best route to the New Jersey Turnpike and Exit at 8A. Proceed to the left of the toll and jug handle onto Rt. 32/Forsgate Drive. Proceed to the 4th light and make a right at the CVS onto Perrineville Road. Proceed 2 miles and pass Stop-N-Shop. Following Stop-N-Shop take your 2nd left onto Federal Road. Proceed thru 1 intersection. Congress Hill Farm is 1 mile on the left.
From East Brunswick Area:
Proceed on Cranbury Road to RT 522. There is a Cannon Factory. Make a left turn and proceed to RR tracks. Proceed straight over RR tracks and do not continue on 522. This is called Gatzmer Road. Proceed thru light. The road changes names and is called Perrineville Road. Proceed 2 miles and pass Stop-N-Shop. Following Stop-N-Shop take your 2nd left onto Federal Road. Proceed thru 1 intersection. Congress Hill Farm is 1 mile on the left.
From the Marlboro/Manalapan Area or traveling on Route 9 South:
Take Gordons Corner Road to end. Make left on Main St. Take a right at first light onto Water St. The road will fork; take the left of the fork onto LaSatta St. DO NOT SPEED. This road will end and turn to the left. This is Federal Road. Proceed 2 miles and pass Gasko’s Nursery on the right. Farm is the next property on the right.
From Shore Area:
Best route to Rt. 33 West. Proceed on Rt. 33 West to the Lobster Shanty Restaurant/Perrineville Road and make a right. Proceed to 3rd right, which is Federal Road. Make a right and proceed thru 1 intersection. Congress Hill Farm is 1 mile on the left.
-Rt. 18 North to exit for 537 West/Freehold. Proceed on Rt. 537 through downtown Freehold to Throckmorton Street. Take a right onto Throckmorton (also called Rt. 522) and travel approximately 5 miles until the end. At the traffic light make a right onto Main St. At next light take a left onto Water St. The road will fork; take the left side of the fork onto LaSatta St. DO NOT SPEED. This road will end and turn to the left. This is Federal Road. Proceed 2 miles and pass Gasko’s Nursery on the right. Farm is the next property on the right.
From Lakewood or traveling Route 9 North:
Rt. 9 North to Rt. 33 West. Proceed on 33 West to the Lobster Shanty Restaurant/Perrineville Road and make a right. Proceed to 3rd right which is Federal Road. Make a right and proceed thru 1 intersection. Congress Hill Farm is 1 mile on the left.